pyCoilGen User Guide
1. Overview
2. Installation
3. Quick Start
4. Configuration
5. Interpreting the Results
6. Glossary
pyCoilGen User Guide
pyCoilGen User Guide
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pyCoilGen User Guide
1. Overview
1.1. Features
1.2. Examples
1.3. Citation
2. Installation
2.1. Install Python
2.2. Install pyCoilGen
2.3. SciPy Installation Issues on Linux
2.4. Optional packages
3. Quick Start
3.1. Calling the Application
3.2. Viewing Results
3.3. Running the Examples
4. Configuration
4.1. Basic Settings
4.2. Mesh Creation
4.3. Discretisation and Calculation of Field Variables
4.4. Pre-calculated Mesh and Stream Function
4.5. Build Contour Lines
4.6. Contour Topology
4.7. Generate Outputs
4.8. Evaluate Results
4.9. Export Data
5. Interpreting the Results
5.1. Intermediate Images
5.2. Output Meshes
5.3. CoilSolution
5.4. SolutionErrors
5.5. Visualising the Results
5.6. Visualising Multiple Solutions: A Parameter Sweep
6. Glossary